The EatBrain project

The EatBrain project is an animated website containing no animated image formats. The objective was to exploit our animation skills by using our JavaScript knowledges, all fueled by JavaScript libraries (here mostly GreenSock and TweenMax) in order to create a promotional website for the element of our choice that would contain different kind of animations.

EatBrain is an electronic music label and it was the subject of my promotion. I then decided the website would be music themed and would take the shape of a music playing/downloading platform.

Easing methods were used in order to create 3 kinds of animations. The download button animation, green horizontal moving timeline bar and smooth scroll animations are both part of the project.

My involvement in this project mainly included web integration, design and programmation.

Tools used:

  • Photoshop CC
  • Paint.NET
  • FileZilla
  • Notepad++
  • GreenSock

Website link:


Fully handcrafted by Julien Beillon

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